Is your home’s air quality a concern for you. You’re not alone. Many people do not know that the air they breathe each day could contain harmful pollutants and allergens. Poor indoor air quality can cause various illnesses ranging from allergies and respiratory problems to serious conditions like asthma. But don’t panic, you can make a few simple actions to enhance the quality of air in your home. Trusted experts in HVAC and air conditioning, Catalyst Air Conditioning is back with five tips for better indoor air quality.

Regularly Change Air Filters

This may sound like common sense, but it is frequently ignored. Your air filters are designed to capture dust, pet dander and other substances that fly in the air which can impair your indoor atmosphere. Gradually, these filters clog up and become less effective. Changing your air filters at least every three months is suggested, especially if you have pets or allergies. This easy maintenance thing can greatly improve the air quality in your home and make HVAC system run more efficiently.

Invest in an Air Purifier

Air purifiers are special devices that get rid of pollutants and allergens from the air. They function using filters and other technologies to capture these bits of debris, thereby enhancing the quality of air in your home. Air cleaners vary a lot, so check them out and select the one that will suit your requirements as well as price range.

Keep a Clean and Clutter-Free Home

Routinely dusting, vacuuming and mopping will significantly reduce the amount of dirt in your home. There should be no unnecessary things to clutter by which dust is difficult to removed, so simplicity must go hand in hand with everything that would then also look great. Include often-overlooked areas such as ceiling fans, draperies and surfaces of upper cabinets and shelves.

Monitor Humidity Levels

Extreme levels of humidity may encourage the development of mold and mildew. They are harmful to indoor air quality and create spores which can be lethal. For damp places such as basements and bathrooms, a dehumidifier should be bought to maintain relative humidity in a comfortable range.

Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

It is essential to ensure that your HVAC system is properly maintained if you aim for quality indoor air. Not only does this ensure that your system runs smoothly, but it also prevents dirt and dust from building up on the unit which can reduce air quality inside of your home. In order to make your system work properly and ensure the best air quality, regularly service it by experts such as Catalyst Air Conditioning.

In conclusion, with these five tips from Catalyst Air Conditioning you will be able to significantly enhance the indoor air quality in your home. This will not only be beneficial in safeguarding the health and happiness of your family but can also help you save money over time as this would prevent issues regarding HVACs. As the foremost authorities in air conditioning and HVAC within Fort Myers, FL , Catalyst Air Conditioning specializes on helping you attain a clean and healthy home with quality breathing air. Contact us today to make an appointment for maintenance or whatever your air conditioning needs are. With Catalyst Air Conditioning, you can breathe easy knowing your Indoor air quality is in good hands.